Kia Ora nga Taonga
We hope that you are able to read this message in strong physical and spiritual health.
Please book in Wednesday 31 August 2016 for a Wellington EC-MENZ gathering.
Beginning at 7pm at the Childspace Institute (45 Helston Road, Johnsonville) attendees will be welcomed by the handsome, talented, knowledgeable and articulate duo of Robin Christie and David Sinnott a.k.a the dream team or Robid Chrisnot.
From here we will explore the effect of chilled beverages (supplied by attendees to suit their own taste) on conversation quality and volume. During this experiment we will transition in to rhythmic conversation with the addition of ukulele. If you have one of these please feel free to bring it along, it will have the opportunity to meet many new friends, alternatively there will be several supplied. Please let us know any songs that you would like to include, this could be anything from a favourite song, something you have been working on or something you wonder 'what would that sound like on ukulele'?
This is a great opportunity to connect with other men working in early childhood education and to have a laugh. Any pressing topics can and will be discussed openly and honestly, without judgement. All men and women are welcome to come and join us on this evening and experience the joy of connecting with other people who love working with children and sharing their experiences.
We hope to see you there!
Kind Regards
David SInnott and Robin Christie